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Carl Freidrich Benz inventor self propulsion

Hello friend's, so in this post we will talk about Carl Freidrich Benz.

Carl Friedrich Beauz was born on November 25, 1844 in Carlsruhe.  His father was Germany's first engine driver.  His mother wanted him to become a civil servant because it was a safe prototype but Carl Benz decided to go to the Polytechnic College in Karlsruhe.

After completing his engineering studies, he found an apprenticeship "like apprenticeship" employing his words in an engineering factory, by 1871 Benz decided that he had gained enough experience to open his own workshop.

For the first few years he managed to accomplish both ends by manufacturing and selling building requirements in his "Mechanical Workshop".  His spare time was devoted to the work he was genuinely interested in building a two-stroke engine.  Benz built a light-weight but powerful combustion engine to replace horses, which, although expensive to acquire and maintain, was the only form of road traction, the "self-propelled" vehicle that Benz had in mind.  I was not  Run on the tracks but will be able to step in any direction.

Benz invested a small amount of money that he put into the two-stroke engine project.  His calculations worked on paper, but not in practice.  The engine that he builds will not run.  It was not until New Year's Eve 1882 that his dream came true, the new engine regularly had music in its inventor's ears.  But even more important, it inspired many wealthy people to join Benz in 1883 to establish the Rhinische Gasmotorfabrik.  Since then the manufacture and marketing of locomotives proved to be a thriving business.  They were used as fixed power units for machinery.  And was exported all over the world.

This did not satisfy Carl Benz, however, he did not forget his self-propelled car.  Nevertheless some obstacles were yet to be overcome.  On the one hand his companions were unwilling to adopt an undertaking.  It is equally risky.  On the other hand, the two-stroke engine was unsuitable for Benz's project, and a four-stroke engine was already patented by Nicolas Otto.  It was only when Otto joined a legal altercation in triviality that he lost his lost.  The case that Benz could start manufacturing its own four-stroke engine.  This was in 1884.  A year later the first automobile was built and parked in a shed in the workshop.  The engine had a cylinder that worked the horizon.  And three-quarters of a horsepower is produced in 250 revolutions per minute.  Nevertheless it was more than just a traction unit to replace the horse.  Even at this early stage, Benz integrated the engine into the chassis.  And the engine itself has some features that are used up-to-date in today's cars.  For example, ignition worked on an electrical basis and dispensed with burners or gas flames.

Benz used a battery to ignite the gas mixer.  Their "horseless carriage" also had a bevel gear differential that solved steering problems at the corners. If the vehicle was turning, the rear drive XBOTH wheels would rotate at the same speed, becoming unbearable.

The only problem that defeated Carl Benz.  There was steering, and only one wheel was given to make the prototype easier to move.  The three-wheeled vehicle reached a top speed of eleven kilometers per hour and weighed only 263 kg.

On July 3, 1886, presented his "".  A motorized "carriage" to the public, Mannheim's "Cassaring" (as it was then known) was discontinued, and the crowd was shown a spectacular spectacle.  The car traveled 300 meters ahead of two of Benz's sons, who were trailing with bottles.  , Was to fuel more.  Yet the car also used two gears on that trailer.  Benz meanwhile fitted it with a clutch.  It had to be pushed back to the workshop.  Göteb was working on Daimler in Unterturheim.  The same problem at the same time, the first two men were unaware of each other's existence.  Daimler had already produced an engine-driven bicycle, and he was one with Carl Benz four months later than his rival in completing his first motorized carriage a few months later, meanwhile, improving his invention.  Was walking along  In his trial he was never far away from the workshop.  But his wife Berta and his two sons Richard and Eugen were more willing to take the risk.

In August, 1888, the three of them thought to drive to Pforzheim for the first time in the morning.  His idea was to convince the remaining unbelievers that the motorized vehicle actually worked.  Carl Benz is nothing of his plans.

A three-wheeled car left the ghost on the first steep hill.  Richard stepped in while his brother and mother pushed.  Moving a few kilometers further, the chains supplying the drive on the rear axle came away from their cog-wheels and fastened to a village blacksmith.  Berta Benz abandoned one of her hair-pins to be discarded.  A chopped fuel pipe when the car falls to the ground again.  Even as one of his garters served to secure a loose electrical wire, it was already dark when the three rrived at Pforzheim — completely obliterated.  He had traveled 80 kilometers, a staggering distance at that time.  The breakdown was not disastrous, and Carl Benz was learning from his mistakes.  He made a third gear in the gear box for the steep shields.  A few weeks later he triumphed through the streets of Munich, receiving his first prize — the Gold Medal of Trade and Industry Exhibition.  It was not until 1893 that Benz produced his first four-wheel model, which he named the Victoria.  He developed a special stub axle steering system for this.  The factory expanded and proudly described itself as the world's oldest and largest manufacturer of motorized carriage.  Then, suddenly Gottlieb Daimler's "quality automobiles" became extremely popular, and Benz car sales figures were dangerously low.  In 1899 the firm became a limited company, but Benz quarreled with other members of the board of directors and resigned.  In 1906, he and his sons founded "C. Benz & Sons".

Gottlieb Daimler had an enthusiastic youth on his staff, called Wilhelm Maybach.  He was later to make a name for himself as a manufacturer of luxury limousines.  Both people produced the first modern car in 1900.  "Mercedes" that reached a speed of 72 kilometers per hour with 35 horsepower.  It was named after the eleven-year-old daughter of Emil Gelinek, who successfully began selling Daimler cars in 1897.

Once a motorized car was able to prove its reality in sports competitions, the demand for it increased.  In early 1911 "Blitzen Benz" made headlines at a speed of 228 kilometers per hour, which was considered impossible to move fast.

In 1926, two pioneers of automobile manufacturing joined the army.  Today's Daimler Benz AG manufacturers are high-end saloon cars that are exported to every corner of the world.  The company also produces several commercial vehicles.  Cars with three-dimensional stars go by the name "Mercedes Benz".  The company's worldwide business is up to some 40,000 million marks.  Carl Benz died in Ladenburg on April 4, 1929, three years after the founding of the joint company.


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