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History of Automobile

Hello friend's, so in this post we will talk about the history of Automobile.

In 1769, Captain Nicolas Cagnot, a French engineer, built the first road vehicle powered by his power.

It was a three-wheeler, four-seater vehicle fitted with a steam engine.  It achieved a speed of about 2 m.p.h.  For 15 minutes.

In 1880, German and French efforts developed an internal combustion engine vehicle, which was used to carry fruits.  The current vehicle is a development of this vehicle.

In 1885, Benz in Germany built a tricycle powered by an internal combustion engine.

In 1885 - 1886, Gottlieb Daimler patented an internal combustion engine in Germany and a year later it was running in a vehicle,

In 1895, Charles E. in America.  Duria and Ellwood J.  Hans developed experimental automobiles.  In this year, Panhard and Levassor in France also developed a car which, with minor exceptions, incorporated the main features of the automobile as we know it today.

In 1890 - 1895, European designers were also active in the development of automobiles.

In 1895, the early Panard in France had the engine placed in front of the chassis, leading to a sliding gear transmission;  And brake paddles, clutch and accelerator included.

In 1900, the design of the automobile improved so much that it awakened the public to the fact that this new form of transport was actually practical for use.

In 1906, the production and sale of these vehicles became a business.

Prior to 1906, many of the world's greatest manufacturing industries in the United States began to manufacture automobiles.  Packard, Autocar, Oldsmobile, White, Bik, Overland, Ford, Cadillac — these names were on motor vehicles before 1905.  Pierce-Arrow, Locomobile, Maxwell, Franklin and Peerless were also important automotive in their time in technological and commercial development.

In 1908, Ford debuted its model with an initial run of 20,000 vehicles, which was unheard of at the time.  This was the time when the designer's main objective was to drive his vehicle into mass production at the lowest possible price.

In 1920, automobile design underwent gradual changes and refinements.  By that time it was clear that the spark ignition gasoline engine was to be the power plant of modern automotive.  Water-cooled engines were almost universal.  The sliding gear transmission had established itself as the dominant one.  Poppet valves were used in almost every engine design.  The engines were all located in front of the chassis.

In this period, major improvements were made to every car facility.  The designers tried to produce a vehicle, which would work at all times in all circumstances;  And which will be easy to ride and easy to operate.  Tire lifetime, independent front wheel suspension, four wheel hydraulic brakes, high compression ratio, high strength, use of new materials, hundreds of other changes have been made.

Conditions gradually changed.  The reliability of the chassis and engine became common expectancy.  Car owners needed more ride comfort and ease of operation.

In recent years, the passenger car chassis and construction have been forced to shape to pre-designed bodies, while the area of ​​truck design body chassis problems is now considered together to a greater extent than ever before.  .  Fluid flywheel, free-wheeling, over-riding, automatic transmission and many other new features are in today's car.  The diesel engine was invented only a few years after the spark-ignition engine.  Cars would have engines behind them before they exposed them.

The design development of recent years has given owners of cars that are safer, easier to drive, more reliable and comfortable.  Yesterday's car owner had to know something about their vehicle repair
The driver who was once happy to drive his car now wants to repair it.  The old driver had the pleasure of an open body instead of a box to sit on.  But today the driver likes a closed body which protects him from accidents, storms, rain and sun.  Modern trends have now created opportunities for a professional repairman to own a car.  It is interesting to have knowledge of working of automobile vehicle in social life.

It is the entire history of automobile vehicle development that emphasizes the knowledge of basic principles as an integration link between past, present and future.


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