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Hello friend's in this post we will talk about pressure - volume diagram of four - stroke, otto cycle engine Fig. 3.8 shows theoretical p-v diagram of a four-stroke Otto cycle engine. During the suction stroke, the charge is admitted in the cylinder increasing the volume from 1 to 2, at the atmospheric pressure. Cylinder volume is the sum of clearance volume and stroke volume. During the compression stroke, the charge is compressed from 2 to 3. Volume decreases to clearance volume and pressure rises. The compressed charge is ignited at constant volume, which increases the pressure as represented by 3- 4 line. During the working stroke the volume increases and pressure decreases as represented by 4-5line. At 5, the exhaust valve opens and exhaust takes place at constant decreases the pressure suddenly as represented by 5-2 line. Finally the piston moves onward rushing out the exhaust gases at atmospheric pressure as represented by 2-1 line. The volume again decreases to clearance vo
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Hello friend's in this post we will talk about valve timing diagram of a four stroke, otto cycle engine It has already been explained in the operation of four stroke, Otto cycle engine that the inlet valve opens during the suction stroke and the exhaust valve opens during the exhaust stroke. The exact moment at winch each of the valves opens and closes with reference to the position of piston and crank can be shown graphically in a diagram. This diagram is known as valve timing diagram. Theoretically, the inlet valve opens exactly at the beginning of suction stroke and closes at the end of the stroke. Both the valves remain closed during compression and power strokes. The exhaust valve opens exactly at the beginning of exhaust stroke and closes at the end of stroke. The theoretical valve timing diagram for a four-stroke Otto cycle engine is shown in Fig. 3.3. The opening and closing of valves with reference to the position of piston and crank shaft during the four strok


Hello friend's so in this post we will talk about four strock engines. The modern petrol ( gasoline ) engines operate on Otto ( constant volume ) cycle . This cycle was introduced in practical form by a German scientist Otto in 1876 , although it was described by a French scientist Beande Roches in 1862. In a four - stroke Otto cycle , spark ignition engine , the four strokes are as follows : 1. Suction stroke  During suction stroke , the piston is moved downward by the crankshaft , which is revolved either by the momentum of the flywheel or by the power generated by the electric starting motor . The inlet valve remains open and the exhaust valve is closed during this stroke . The downward movement of the piston sucks air - fuel mixture in the cylinder from the carburettor through the open inlet valve . Here the fuel is petrol mixed with air , broken up into a mist and partially vaporized in the carburettor .  2. Compression stroke   During compression stroke , the p

Petrol Engine (Gasoline Engine)

Hello friend's in this post we talk about Petrol Engine. The engine which gives power to propel the modern Indian automobile is a petrol-burning, spark-ignition four-stroke cycle, internal combustion engine. Petrol is a liquid fuel and is called by the name gasoline in America. That is why the petrol engines are also known as gasoline engines. The ability of petrol to furnish power rests on the two basic principles of physics:  1. Burning or combustion is always accompanied by the production of heat.  2. When a gas is heated, it expands. If the volume remains constant, the pressure rises according to Charle's law.  The operation of petrol engine in the production of power may be described as follows:  During the downward motion of the piston, the air fuel mixture is sucked from the carburettor into the cylinder. During the upward motion the mixture is compressed by the piston in the cylinder and ignited by an electric spark. When the mixture is burned in the cylinder, the resu


Hello friend's, so in this post we will talk about engines. 1. INTRODUCTION   Internal combustion engines are those heat engines that burn their fuel inside the engine cylinder. On the other side, extermal combustion engines are those heat engines that burn their fuel outside the engine cylinder. These are steam engines. The energy developed during the combustion of fuel is transmitted to steam, which acts on the piston inside the cylinder. In internal combustion engines, the chemical energy stored in the fuel is converted into heat energy by combustion. The heat energy is converted into mechanical energy by the expansion of gases against the piston attached to crankshaft that can rotate. The engines that burn petrol are known as petrol engines. Other types of internal combustion engines burn heavier oils, of these types the diesel engine has come into the widest use.  2. I.C. ENGINE AND STEAM ENGINE  Both I.C. engines and steam engines are basically heat engines and convert heat e

Carl Freidrich Benz inventor self propulsion

Hello friend's, so in this post we will talk about Carl Freidrich Benz. Carl Friedrich Beauz was born on November 25, 1844 in Carlsruhe.  His father was Germany's first engine driver.  His mother wanted him to become a civil servant because it was a safe prototype but Carl Benz decided to go to the Polytechnic College in Karlsruhe. After completing his engineering studies, he found an apprenticeship "like apprenticeship" employing his words in an engineering factory, by 1871 Benz decided that he had gained enough experience to open his own workshop. For the first few years he managed to accomplish both ends by manufacturing and selling building requirements in his "Mechanical Workshop".  His spare time was devoted to the work he was genuinely interested in building a two-stroke engine.  Benz built a light-weight but powerful combustion engine to replace horses, which, although expensive to acquire and maintain, was the only form of road traction, the "s

History of Automobile

Hello friend's, so in this post we will talk about the history of Automobile. In 1769, Captain Nicolas Cagnot, a French engineer, built the first road vehicle powered by his power. It was a three-wheeler, four-seater vehicle fitted with a steam engine.  It achieved a speed of about 2 m.p.h.  For 15 minutes. In 1880, German and French efforts developed an internal combustion engine vehicle, which was used to carry fruits.  The current vehicle is a development of this vehicle. In 1885, Benz in Germany built a tricycle powered by an internal combustion engine. In 1885 - 1886, Gottlieb Daimler patented an internal combustion engine in Germany and a year later it was running in a vehicle, In 1895, Charles E. in America.  Duria and Ellwood J.  Hans developed experimental automobiles.  In this year, Panhard and Levassor in France also developed a car which, with minor exceptions, incorporated the main features of the automobile as we know it today. In 1890 - 1895, European designers were